The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders, 2nd Edition
Dr Robinson served as co-editor alongside Dr Stewart Agras on the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders, published in January 2018.

Dr Robinson wrote the chapter on Bulimia Nervosa in collaboration with a long time colleague Dr Nina Kirz of Stanford Medicine. Published in 2019.

Dr Robinson contributed two chapters in this book: Chapter 5 Student Self-Care, Wellness, and Resilience as well as Chapter 15 Eating Disorders and Body Image Concerns. The latter chapter was co-authored with another long time esteemed colleague from Stanford Medicine, Dr Danielle Colborn. Published in 2018.

Professional Well-Being: Enhancing Wellness Among Psychiatrists, Psychologists, and Mental Health Clinicians
Dr Robinson contributed to this book, published in 2020, alongside her esteemed Stanford colleagues (Laura Roberts MD, Sanno Zack PhD, Jennifer Derenne MD, Laura Dunn MD, and Grace Gengoux PhD). Mental health care providers have historically faced challenges to take care of their own physical and mental health needs yet we need to do so + change the conversation — not only for our own welfare but also for that of the patients we are privileged to serve. The timing of this topic is particularly relevant as we providers face the Covid-19 pandemic at the same time our patients do.